You can go ahead and do the math for each and every hand, but that would take a lot of time and a lot of effort. Have you ever played a game of crib and you were dealt a hand, and you weren't quite sure which two cards to discard? That very question was the underlying question at the heart of my last video, where I showed how you can calculate optimal discards using math. This book takes expected average and applies it across every possible cribbage hand. So, what is this thing that every cribbage player should have? It's this book called Cribbage Discards, and here's why. To those who watched and liked that video and subscribed, thank you very much! For this video, I wanted to continue down that same path. This is a concept that uses math and probability to calculate the best discard pair for any cribbage hand. But first, in my last video, I showed a concept called expected average.
Hello everyone! There's something every cribbage player should have, and in this video, I'm going to talk about it.